Due to the current COVID related pandemic it is requested that all parents closely monitor your child to be on the lookout for COVID related symptoms. If your child shows symptoms please do not allow them to participate in practice or games while they have such symptoms. Our coaching staff will also be on the lookout for players with any of these symptoms and any player who displays such will be asked to leave practice and remain home until all symptoms are gone.
“From CDC website”: The most common symptoms of COVID-19 in children include fever or chills, cough, nasal congestion or runny nose, new loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, diarrhea or vomiting, stomachache, tiredness, headache, muscle or body aches, and poor appetite. Also, IF YOUR child has tested positive for COVID please have them stay home and isolate and do not return to participation at Team Boca until: “From CDC website”: Ten days from START of symptoms, AND fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, AND Symptoms have improved.
Please understand that since all players are now also beginning school we can expect there to be several cases of kids with COVID throughout school classrooms and athletics (including Team Boca) so your cooperation in closely monitoring your child’s health condition will help insure a safer and healthy 2021- 2022 Team Boca season. It is our Club Position to trust that PARENTS will adhere to this policy and that PARENTS will follow these CDC recommended guidelines as stated.
If you have any questions please contact our Club Director, Bill D’Addio, at